In the Fall 2010 Massachusetts Speech-Language-Hearing Association (MSHA) Voice newsletter, Joan Sedita wrote the article, “Adolescent Literacy: Addressing the Needs of Students in Grades 4-12” and included the following list of resources where educators and parents can find more information about adolescent literacy., a national multimedia project offering information and resources specifically related to adolescent readers and writers. is one of several literacy sites administered by WETA, the public television and radio station in Washington DC, including Reading Rockets and LDOnline. The site provides information and lists resources on adolescent literacy for educators, parents and students.
Alliance for Excellent Education is a national policy and advocacy organization that focuses on at-risk secondary students and serves as a national clearinghouse on policies that support effective high-school reform. In 2003, it established an Adolescent Literacy Advisory Group, which resulted in the publication of a series of adolescent literacy reports, white papers, and research meta-analyses. In addition, the Alliance has hosted a number of conferences and symposiums focused on Adolescent Literacy.
Center on Instruction provides information about scientifically based research and information on reading, and serves as a resource for the 16 regional U.S. Department of Education Comprehensive Centers. The Center publishs a number of adolescent literacy guidance documents and practice briefs aimed at connecting current research to practice.
Institute of Education Sciences (IES), National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance focused its attention on adolescent literacy in 2008 with its publication of “Improving Adolescent Literacy: Effective Classroom and Intervention Practices”. This practice guide offers specific evidence-based recommendations that educators can use to improve literacy levels for students in grades four through twelve.
The National Governors Association, through its Center for Best Practices published the report “Reading to Achieve: A Governor’s Guide to Adolescent Literacy”. In 2006, the association funded the Reading to Achieve: State Policies to Promote Adolescent Literacy initiative which provided assistance and funding to develop state literacy plans and policies to improve adolescent literacy to Arizona, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Jersey, and North Carolina.
The National Institute for Literacy (a federal agency) has a specific initiative to address adolescent literacy. Its 2007 report “What Content-Area Teachers Should Know About Adolescent Literacy” summarizes the literature on adolescent literacy and recommends methods for building adolescent reading and writing skills in the classroom, with an emphasis on what content-area teachers can do.